Burton's One World - Full FIlm
Posted Jan 27 2021
After a period where it could be watched for "free" on Amazon Prime, Burton's new One World is now available top watch on YouTube in glorious 4k!
" Follow the #BurtonTeam in a celebration of the global connection we all share through our love of snowboarding, our respect for the environment, and our desire to discover what’s next."
Fake News - Full film
Posted Jan 06 2021
"A snowboarding movie shot entirely in Las Vegas seemed "fake" to everyone who heard about it. Here to prove all skeptics wrong during the Covid-19/20 season, is a group of snow addicted friends from the heart of the Mojave Desert." Fake News
"Here to prove all skeptics wrong during the Covid-19/20 season, is a group of snow addicted friends from the heart of the Mojave Desert."
Travis Rice's Resetter - full film
Posted Dec 18 2020
Rather than his annual pilgramage to Alaska, Travis Rice stays in is home resort of Jackson Hole to reconnect with his old stomping grounds. Resetter.
[caption]Epic snow. Incredible terrain. Fresh air and beautiful solitude. Sometimes, Alaska comes to you.
[caption]Epic snow. Incredible terrain. Fresh air and beautiful solitude. Sometimes, Alaska comes to you.
Korua Shapes short film - Rain Dogs
Posted Dec 18 2020
Rain Dogs. Beautifully shot black and white footage and a lot of next-level carving - Korua Shapes yet again, even in 2020, provides the content you can watch over and over again.
"Rain Dogs is a reference to Washington State’s “finest” Rainier Beer, which kept us hydrated during our road trip through the PNW in February of 2020 BC (Before Covid). It’s also a slight hint to the predominantly moist weather we experienced on our visit State-side. "
"Rain Dogs is a reference to Washington State’s “finest” Rainier Beer, which kept us hydrated during our road trip through the PNW in February of 2020 BC (Before Covid). It’s also a slight hint to the predominantly moist weather we experienced on our visit State-side. "
First Go - short film with the Dang Shades crew
Posted Dec 04 2020
Filmed at Brighton Resort, The Freedom Frontier, Woodward Park City and local parks in SLC.