Forum go iTunes exclusive with #Forum

Posted Sep 28 2012

Forum confirm their 2012 film will be called #Forum (that is, "hashtag" Forum) and we now have the teaser.

forum capture 1

And if the hashtag name is a nod to the digital era we now live in, only releasing on iTunes probably hints at the way all new films will be released. We suspect the days of physical media are now seriously numbered. Just checkout the films hitting iTunes throughout the year up there under "Films On iTunes". Yep, that is all major releases and plenty of back catalogue too.

Isenseven's Fool's Gold Soundtrack in full, by rider part

Posted Sep 26 2012

We now have our hands on an iTunes copy of Isenseven' Fool's Gold - so, we can now bring you the soundtrack in full, by rider part.

fools-gold capture 3

The excellent Outro tune, Miner / Hey Love, can be had from the artist's site for free right here.

Isenseven's Fool's Gold hits iTunes

Posted Sep 26 2012

Isenseven 2012 project has now hit itunes, expect a soundtrack update shortly.
fools-gold capture 1

Resonance Soundtrack in full, by part

Posted Sep 24 2012

We now have our hands on an iTunes copy of Absinthe Films' Resonance - so, we can now bring you the soundtrack in full, by rider part.

resonance capture 3

Bode Merrill no footer wall rider!

Absinthe's Resonance available from iTunes today

Posted Sep 20 2012

Updated - see end of post.

As our preferred format, Blu-Ray, is still AWOL (Why, Absinthe?), and not even yet available for order, you can still get some HD goodness from the HD version released today on iTunes version. Link below.
resonance capture 2

Update #1 : Despite Absinthe declaring availability, it still shows as pre-order for us

Update #2 : We jumped the gun on this one, looks like the 25th still stands. Sorry guys. :(

Update #3 : Now available, and soundtrack in full here Resonance