Dustin Craven's full part from Defenders of Awesome

Posted Feb 23 2012

Capita Snowboards continue their drip feed of full parts from Defenders of Awesome, and now we have Dustin Craven's full part.
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Check out the other full parts here. Defenders of Awesome.

Liam Gallagher's The Mad Ones

Posted Feb 23 2012

Super stylish teaser for Liam Gallagher's webisodes which will then be mashed up into a free movie in the fall.

"Inspired by the Beat Generation and specifically the writings of Jack Kerouac, The Mad Ones will follow the freaks, all winter long. Web flicks will be released every Monday through May. Some will be action edits, others about odd balls or oddities seen, weird experiences or whatever else happens to happen. Then, next September it'll all be mashed into a free-for-download movie."

Blake Paul's full part from Manifest

Posted Feb 23 2012

Although the film will always be tinged by tragedy with the untimely death of Aaron Robinson, that doesn't prevent us appreciating the riding on display in this film. We now have Blake Paul 's full part.
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As ever, click through for the vid.

Kevin Jones full part from TB20

Posted Feb 17 2012

Standard Films give us another full part from TB20. Kevin Jones gets all nostalgic for his early heroes from past TB films. The iTunes releases promises bonus footage, but we still say track down the Blu-Ray version if you have the kit.
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As always, video after the jump.

Videograss drop early teaser for The Darkside

Posted Feb 12 2012

Another early announcement for 2012 - Videograss reveal a first glimpse at The Darkside. Checkout the slam filled teaser.
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Early season teaser after the jump.