Standing Sideways Slams

Posted Feb 08 2012

Slam reels are fun, right? We may cringe and wince when watching, but it puts in context all those tricks we admire. They come at a price, and that price is pain!
standing-sideways capture 1

Burton have kindly produced a collection from their recent film, Standing Sideways, and added comedy sound effects. Video after the jump

SSX Soundtrack unveiled

Posted Feb 08 2012

If you are not a video game fan, then switch off now, but for everyone else who has a passing interest in gaming and snowboarding, you are probably anticipating SSX (due end of Feb in US). And the soundtrack is almost as important as the gameplay with this franchise, so we took great interest in EA's announcement of the soundtrack in full and it's availability on iTunes.

SSX - EA Games Soundtrack

SSX game cover

That is 36 tracks plus 10 exclusive tracks. More details, including a teaser, can be found on our dedicated SSX page.

Music from 2007's SSX Blur can also be found here on iTunes.

Music from SSX Blur - EA Games Soundtrack & Junkie XL

Jess Kimura's Defenders of Awesome Full Part

Posted Feb 07 2012

Jess Kimura impresses in her full part in Defenders of Awesome.

Full parts for Dan Brisse, Scott Stevens, and Cale Zima are already available, so it appears that soon enough we will have the whole edit. If you want it all now, the movie only costs five bucks direct from Capita anyway. For everyone else, check out the other parts here - Defenders of Awesome.

Dinosaurs Will Die Teaser for 2012 team film

Posted Feb 07 2012

Dinosaurs Will Die drop a teaser for their 2012 team film, Dinosaurs Will Die!

Teaser after the jump.

Video from Red Bull's Supernatural surfaces at last.

Posted Feb 07 2012

After checking out stills from Travis Rice's experimental backcountry competition, we were desperate to see some footage of how it went down. And now we can, although we only see Travis' winning run in full. Check it out after the link. Then start building in your back yard.